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Smart Waste Agency

Tabletop, Cardgame, Creative Mode

Waste Monsters and Smart Waste Agents encounter each other in the the Wastelands of our Cities. In their insane appetite, the Waste Monsters consume vast amounts of their specific waste types and evolve – becoming an ever-greater threat to our habitats. But with their smart multi-tools, the Agents recycle the mass of the Waste Monsters and return it to the „Great Cycle.“ This requires strategy, skill, and a bit of luck.

Waste Monsters

Nine different types of common Waste Monsters are making our Cities unsafe. They consume more and more mass from their specific type of waste. With this monstrous appetite, they aim to evolve and become even bigger and heavier. The  city cleaners can no longer cope with the massive increase in Waste Monster masses alone…

The Waste Monster card designs were created by young people age 7-15 with the help of text-to-image AI and Canva for Non-Profit during our workshop weeks. The „art of prompting“ taught the clear articulaion of ones imaginations and goals.
This is how a card looks like in the game. On the left side it teaches about what happens, if this waste type is thrown into our environment without recycling it. This is a residual waste monster.

Smart Waste Agents & Multi-Tools

The Smart Waste Agency (SWA) has been established to support the waste busters. The Agents are equipped with smart Multi-Tools. With these, they can recycle Waste Monsters during their missions in the „Wastelands“ and return them to the Great Cycle.

The Mod-Installer cards describe specific recycling methods that are effective against specific waste (monster) types. The mods can be found in the Wastelands. And with a little luck, they fit against the waste monsters currently active on the game board.

The tabletop Game is also about analog Creativity. Using Waste as a resource to craft the table game board, Waste Monsters and game objects

The Creative Mode

The SWAG invites Players to extend the Game and design their own cards, waste monsters, agent figures, tabletops and even rules.

The educational Play & Learn Bonus Material ( to be developed ) is guiding player groups in schools and in-formal education deeper into the themes of Recycling and the Circular Economy.